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Illinois Man Builds His Perfect Off-Grid Steel Home

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deck construction of a model steel house

Roy Carrillo has been pretty busy these days building the home he has always wanted—his perfect off-grid steel home.

He says living off the grid is something he has wanted to do for many years.

“I’ve wanted to live in the wilderness since I was just a kid. I purchased 80 acres adjoining Shawnee National Forest back in 1999. That started the ball rolling!”

He decided to build a 20’ w x 30’ L, two-story SteelMaster home on his property.

He says he found out about SteelMaster’s products when he saw an advertisement online for one of our end-of-year closeout deals.

Roy called and was able to work out a great deal with Sales Professional Gordon Bingen.

He then got to work on his dream home.

Although he does have help, he is doing about 80% of the work on his own. Roy is also working to sell another home while he is in the construction phase. He hopes to finish his off-grid steel home by the spring of 2017.

This is not the first time Roy has taken on a project of this magnitude. He says he has helped to build five, wood frame houses from the ground up.

Now he gets the opportunity to build his own home to perfection!
